I know I have been horrible about updating my blog, but here it goes. A whole month of no blogging so lets see... we finished soccer, then thanksgiving, attempted family pics, class partys, class programs, family friends and fun. Clayton and Ella finished their soccer season. Clayton loves soccer and he is excited to find an indoor league to keep playing. He played 8 and under so it was a bigger field and more competitive. He played forward most of the time, he did not get his speed from me that is for sure. Ella also played but she would get shy when certain people came to watch her play so she would run off the field. I never thought she would be the running child but she was. We got to see a glimpse of her competitive nature the first game before she realized there was an audience. She played aggresive scored goals and she would throw the ball in to herself so she could get it faster.
Then Thanksgiving. We had a fun day. Robert, my mom, my aunt and I woke up early and ran a 5k in a turkey trot race. Robert smoked us but I came in after him at a good time well good for me. We eventually made it over to my parents house where there was a lot of neighbor kids and friends of ours for the kids to play with. We ended up renting a bounce house, the kids loved it. We had a great dinner and enjoyed family and friends.
The day after thanksgiving what else is there to do but shop all day. It actually started that night. My friend Shelly, my cousin Nia and myself headed to Toys r us that night to stand in line. I know CRAZY. We finally got into the store and it was chaos. I was going for little things but my friend shelly was going for a major Lego set that was crazy cheap. She spotted the set and strarted walking toward it. She then felt a nudge from another lady, irritated but didn't bother her to much until that lady bent in front of her and grabbed the last lego set. We then went to the line to check out when we saw this lady again, she was mad at something and was cursing at the toys r us worker and she had 2 of those lego sets in her cart. We were very annoyed. We were about to check out and behind a lady paying with a check so that took forever when I saw this crazy lady fiddling with her lego sets, so I had this feeling, call it intuition, the spirit, a little holiday inspiration, I toldmy friend to go check over there I think the lady left the lego set. So she walked over and the crazy lady DID leave one. She was so excited it made the wait totally worth it. We shopped for many more hours but nothing felt as good as getting the lego set.
Then the kids had their christmas programs. First Clayton and the rest of the entire first grade. He did so good and those kids are so cute. Ella had her very first performance with her preschool class. She sang every song maybe the words weren't right but she sang her heart out and they both looked so adorable!!!
Now we are finishing up christmas shopping and enjoying the first weekend of christmas break or winter break whatever you want to call it. We love this time of year and I am always looking for great ideas to teach my kids about the true meaning of Christmas and giving service at a level they would understand, so if you have any great ideas let me know???
Sorry for the length!!!
Other Noteworthy December Pictures
8 months ago