Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weight loss update!!!

It has been awhile since i have updated my weight loss progress. I think i haven't updated since it has been a slow few weeks. Ryder is now 10 weeks old and i am down to 151 lbs. That is 39 lbs so far. I am running 5 miles a day, and still training for the half marathon in November. If anyone wants to join it's November 14th in Folsom. I still have a ways to go but I will have this weight off soon enough.

Starting weight- 13o lbs
Final weight- 190 lbs
Goal weight- 125 lbs
10 weeks after baby- 151 lbs
Total weight loss- 39 lbs


michele cabiness said...

are you running on a treadmill? I am thinking about doing the half marathon.......thinking.

Melissa Savage said...

Way to go! How are you finding time for 5 miles?! I can do that a few times a week, but not everyday! I'm in on the half marathon!

Cynthia and Bryan said...

Good Job ! I would love to run it with ya...too bad it isn't closer to thanksgiving and then our whole fam could come down and spend the break with you guys. We are staying here again for thanksgiving and it is kind of lames since most of the little families here have family within driving distance. Anyway- keep on truckin...My weight loss journey will begin in about 3 weeks :)

Kate said...

Whoa!! Wonder Woman!! That is awesome!!!

tiny said...

Keep on runnin' girl. You can do it!! Have fun in the half marathon.

Eric and Jackie said...

Um can I say...jealous. Since you left, I have not been keeping up on my workouts, you got up to 5 miles fast, and everyday? Keep on keepin' on girl!

Jessica said...

I'm so impressed! Good luck on the half marathon. Sounds like you won't have any problems there. You crazy runners.