Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Hey all i am officially in the blogging world. ( thanks Cyn) Hope we have some great stories for you. With 3 crazy kids my life is full of stories so hope you enjoy.


Cynthia and Bryan said...

Well glad to see that you are up and running in the blogging community. Anyway, I think you will enjoy this, it is pretty low maintenance. Call me later-

Anonymous said...

Hi...wazzz upppp?

Melissa Savage said...

Hey! Glad you entered the blogging world! I read your profile and can't believe Clayton's 5! That sounds so big! And Ella is 3! It doesn't seem like 3 years ago when we visited you at the hospital, crazy!

Jeff and Kristy said...

I am so excited you have a blog! Look at your cute family. Clayton looks the same, but I can't believe how big Ella is!