some of you may know that my mom and I are best friends. We are together almost everyday and she has been a huge support and friends in my life. Here are some pictures of some of the ways she helps in my life.
we are always together, shopping or whatever
she is a bicycle extremist
she is our photographer
text message queen
my spray tan professional
and best of all my nanny jk, but she does watch my kids a lot so Robert and I can go out on the town.
love ya mom, missy, marianne, mima
Your mom is so cute ! Actually she is kinda hot, so good things to come with aging for the boydston girls. Glad you guys are close (in proximity) to enjoy each other. Wish you were out here though :)
woops, I mean Pierce girls....haha
Hi Liz, I am so happy you found my blog. You have such a great looking family, three kids already, wow, where has the time gone? I say go for 4, it is easier. (remember I have 9) LOL
Great pictures of your Mom, she still looks great!
I enjoyed reading your blog, and will keep checking in.
Hey BFF,
So why the tribute?? I have a theory about your anniversary coming up and a need for a live in nanny...
you know I'd do it as long as you bring me chocolates...ha ha ...just as long as YOU DON'T bring me chocolates.
love ya. ps i look fat in the bike pic.
cute post... what an awesome mom/grandma you have!! :)
Hey Elizabeth!! Thanks for the comment, I am so glad that you found us. Brianne told me that you guys were in her ward. Hopefully next time we come to visit I will get to see you. Last time I saw you was at The Pizza Factory, and you had just found out that you were pregnant with your first. Now you have three....Crazy how fast time flies. I am so glad to see that you guys are happy and doing good. Cute kiddos, love the red hair (my oldest has red hair too). Feel free to blog stalk, I know I will be stalking you :)
Oh my goodness - you and your mom and hilarious! Fast forward 20 years and there's you, Elizabeth! And I see where you get your diet paranoia from - you and your mom are in EXCELLENT shape. You're both crazy! I'm glad you've been reunited with your BFF. :)
She is so young looking... you have good genes!
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