Decisions!!! Decisions!!!! So I have been thinking about my kids lately and my baby Cade is almost one, I was thinking that if I did another two year gap I would be getting pregnant in 4 or 5 months. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH 4 kids can I handle that!! Am I capable of 4 kids?? I don't know?? I thought the decision to stop or have more kids would be so much more obvious than what has been. I thought the heavens would open just for me and a huge sign would come down and spell it out for me, well needless to say I am still looking in the clouds for my sign. Didn't I just have a baby??????
Other Noteworthy December Pictures
9 months ago
Gosh -- I don't envy you (and I am sure you don't envy me right now!!). Tough decision. I hope the heavens open up and hit me on the head when we are ready for that milestone. One at a time -- that is my rule! And of course -- you could handle 4 -- you are a great mommy!
Ha !! Well the way I see it is you need to have another baby !! You guys have such cute kids, clayton will be in school, Ella in Preschool, so it would just be you, Cade, And #4 at home until the afternoon. I don't think the juggling act would be much harder with 4 than it already is with 3. Called ya tonight to make fun of this guy checking out himself in the mirrors at the gym and flexing his muscles...anyway- call me later.
Oh ya- and I can't believe that Cade has beaten Knox to the punch on getting teeth ! Knox has been the slowest teether...3 at 13 mos ! Whatever, he'll get them soon enough.
I must agree with Cynthia, first off- you have BEAUTIFUL babies! Second off, if you can have 3- then you can have 4 :) Third off, just do it :) I can't believe you are thinking about getting preggo in 4 or 5 months! I am not thinking about getting pregnant until 2009 :) Good for you at being at your perfect weight! I dont want to have anymore until I lose more weight! lol. My only concern is c-sections. I had 1 and I am not sure how many more of those i can handle.
I think it's a requirement to keep having kids until you get an ugly one....too bad for you that you'll have to have several!!!!
ps..congrats on getting to "before honeymoon" weight!
So you finally hit your goal, huh? That's exciting, not that I think you EVER needed to lose weight in the first place. That is definitely a question only you and Robert can answer. That's scary that you don't feel a for-sure feeling that you're done. I guess I always thought I'd just know, but I think it will always be hard to know you won't have more babies. I'm not looking forward to that point. I'd say just wait it out a bit longer, and if you're feeling up for it, go for it. If anyone can handle it, it's you. Oh, and if it only took 10 1/2 months to get to your honeymoon weight, puleeeease! No excuses there. Should I keep writing?
hey, you! i didn't know you had a blog... i was peeking at a couple and saw your link! very cute!
good luck with that decision! not an easy one, although i have to say that 4 was easier for me than 3! and NOW i feel VERY done!!! :) have a good day! (we love blogging, too!)
Your trip looked so fun, and below honeymoon weight? How can I do that? You go LIz, but I do agree with Brittany you always look good!
About the kids, go for it! Maybe you'll have twins! They say after three, four is nothing. But dang let us at least have a chance to catch up!
Ummm? Such a personal question for a internet blog. BUT since you put it out there, here is MY two bits. You may not know WHEN to Have the next one BUT you will know when you are done. A peaceful feeling of "you have done as much as you are capable". And that is a capability of spiritual, physical, mental and emotional...We are not one demensional beings...many factors. Amen
PS do not wait for an ugly baby...then you know you took some one elses baby from heaven
do it! do it! do it! wait what am i talking about...i don't have any :) haha, oh well, your the best mom ever so you should have as many as possible :)
Yeah, you aren't done! You are made to have tons of babies! You do look great, but you could get there again... I'm cheering for another one!
I hear that once you have 3 having more after that is like having 3 again. You can handle it! That is a bridge we are crossing over right now too. We always said we would get pregnant when Lily was 2, she'll be 2 in Oct. AAHHH!!!
Congrats on loosing weight. You looked great before!
I just Googled "3 or 4 kids" and found your blog. I am in almost the exact same predicament as you. I have 2 boys ages 5 and 3 and now a daughter who will be 8 months in a couple of days. I always wanted a girl and was determined to keep trying until I got one. I never thought further than that. Now I have 3 and I guess I just maybe assumed I'd stop after a girl but now I am left to wonder, do I really want to stop? Part of me really wants another... starting to get the pregnancy/baby bug again and my little one isn't even walking yet,lol.
My family and inlaws all say 3 is more than enough but my husband and I aren't sure. I just know that with each child I learn more about being a mother and become a better one. Each child I bond a little better with and I have to wonder if that new, fresh bond takes away from my other children. So is it fair to have another child? I had a great relationship with my 2nd son before my daughter was born but she was such a handful that my son and I's relationship deteriorated for the first couple of months. Now it's back on track but was it fair for me to have a 3rd? Fair to him? Will it be fair to her if I have a 4th?
I also wonder if it's fair not to have a 4th. What if 2 of my kids are closer and the 3rd is sort of the odd one out. What if my daughter wants a sister to share all of her secrets and wishes with? Will she hold it against me if I don't at least try to give her a sister? ~Then again, what if my 4th is a boy? Will I continue having children until I even it out? lol
Most people worry about finances but it's not an issue for us. My husband is an Engineer for a major US contractor. He makes great money that allows me to stay home. We only worry that it might be hard to find a suitable home, we're currently in a 2600 square foot house, which may seam large but it's only got 3 bedrooms and a formal dining room (with doors) which we've turned into a 4th bedroom... If we have another we'll have to find a 5 bedroom home.. any more than that and we might as well start bunking kids up (which is something I really never want to do)... So much to think about!
But again, like you, I always thought I'd have a strong feeling one way or another. But I don't. Not yet at least. Part of me says I want one more and the other part says I am crazy,lol
If it is of any comfort I met a woman the other day who said she was always looking for that sign to fall from the heavens also... and one day it did, after the birth of her 6th child. So maybe, lol, you and I are just meant to have large families. Maybe our sign will fall but a few kids down the road.
Good Luck to you in whatever you do. I'm curious to know how things turn out for you. E-mail me anytime.
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