Monday, March 29, 2010


I have a goal to do something fun everyday this week since the kids are off for spring break. Day 1 was a success. We started out by going to the Fresno Zoo with a great group of friends and of course my mom who is always a lot of fun. Saw crazy animals and a few crazy kids. It was a little bit more crowded than we were used to but it was a lot of fun.

After the zoo we met my dad at Costco since I needed diapers and we had lunch there also. Then we made over to Target and got Hi Ho CherryO the board game and played a few times, well we played until Cade started to grab all of the fruit off the board, that was a sign to clean up.

Then when it got a little dark we had a fire in the backyard and made smores. It was a great, fun day and can't wait for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

Cynthia and Bryan said...

Your hips look tiny in the pick with Ryder !! Call me later !